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AAPA 2017-2018 Leadership Fellows

By Announcements, Awards, News

The AAPA Leadership Fellows Program is excited to announce the

2017-2018 AAPA Leadership Fellows

Amanda Breen, Ph.D. & Kimberly Koko Nishi, Psy.D.


Dr. Amanda Breen is currently an assistant professor of psychology at Neumann University. She earned her doctorate in Social Psychology from Temple University and her Master’s degree in public health from Drexel University where she also worked as research associate for the School of Public Health’s Center for Hunger-Free Communities. She is deeply committed to addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in her teaching and scholarship. Currently, Dr. Breen is actively working on projects with her students investigating how experiencing stereotype threat in the criminal justice domain might have consequences in the academic domain and examining the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and college major. On the Neumann campus, Dr. Breen continues to work on fostering an inclusive environment for students, faculty and staff of color, LGBTQIAA students, low-income and first-generation college students, and any all others from historically marginalized communities.

Dr. Koko Nishi is a licensed psychologist and serves as the Outreach Coordinator for Counseling and Psychological Services at San Diego State University. Dr. Nishi completed her Masters in Psychology and Education at Teachers College Columbia University and her doctorate in in Clinical Psychology from George Washington University and completed her postdoctoral fellowship at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at University of California, San Diego with an emphasis in suicide prevention and mental health promotion. Her clinical interests include anxiety, depression, trauma, multicultural and diversity issues, intersectionality, identity integration, and Asian/Asian-American mental health. Dr. Nishi is passionate about collaborating with campus partners to create outreach programs that raise awareness and promote resources to help reduce mental health stigma, particularly within underrepresented populations. 

Please join us in welcoming our newest AAPA Leadership Fellows!

AAPA Statement Against Racial Violence and Hatred

By Statements

AAPA Statement Against Racial Violence and Hatred

The Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) condemns the racism, domestic terrorism and hatred perpetrated by White supremacist and neo-Nazi groups in recent weeks, particularly in Charlottesville, Virginia. We extend our condolences to the family of Heather Heyer, the state troopers who were killed, and the injured peaceful protesters during this assault.

In 2017, it is a mistake to believe our nation is immune to racial attack. As Asian Americans, we recognize the legacy of White supremacy and racism in the United States which continues to affect and traumatize communities of color. To imply that those who fight racism and those who perpetrate it have similar intentions is to demean the suffering and courageous acts of our predecessors, many of whom gave their lives in a fight against intolerance. For these reasons, we join the Association for Black Psychologists (ABPsi), the American Psychological Association (APA), the National Council on Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA), and many other organizations in unequivocally rejecting the hateful acts of these groups and call on others to do the same.

We denounce all forms of racism and bigotry – from the increased number of hate crimes in recent months to the microaggressions that people of color face in their daily lives. Since its inception, AAPA has understood the damaging effects of racism, discrimination, and race-based trauma, which often lead to significant consequences for mental health, physical health, and one’s ability to thrive. As Asian Americans, we share in the fear, mourning, and outrage that our communities are experiencing in the face of prejudice and oppression. We stand in solidarity with communities who have been targeted most by this hate – particularly Black, Jewish, Latinx, Muslim, Sikhs, and LGBTQ people.

AAPA recommits to our members, and to those affected, that we will actively stand with you in these moments. We will continue to protect the rights of disenfranchised communities as they fight for social justice, equity and healing. We are with you.

In Solidarity,

Asian American Psychological Association



Family Care, Community Care and Self Care Toolkit: Healing in the Face of Cultural Trauma

Racial Trauma Black Lives Matter Meditation

Charlottesville Solidarity Events by U.S. Region

RYSE Presents: Revealing White Privilege and Racial Trauma

People of Color and Mental Illness Photo Project


* This statement was written by Alexandra Rivera, Devika Srivastava, Jennifer Hsia, Fanny Ng, Helen Hsu, Richelle Concepcion, Kevin Nadal, and the AAPA Policy Committee

2017 AAPA Inaugural Leadership Institute Pre-Conference Call for Application

By Announcements, Call for Applications

Dear AAPA family,

It is my extreme honor and pleasure to announce the launch of our inaugural Graduate Student Leadership Institute! We are piloting this first institute with hopes of continuing to offer this pre-conference institute in the future. All students at all levels across all program types are eligible to apply for the institute. We especially encourage applicants looking for opportunities to engage in leadership opportunities and mentorship relationships who may not yet have had access to such opportunities. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Richelle and I will you have any questions or concerns.

To our students, it is our sincere hope that you won’t discount yourself from this opportunity without first looking at the application. And to our post-degree members, we hope that you will consider this an opportunity to encourage a student to apply. And perhaps our post-degree members will consider applying for the leadership fellows program.

Warmest regard,

Nellie Tran & Richelle Concepcion

AAPA Leadership Fellows Program Co-Chairs


2017 AAPA Inaugural Leadership Institute Pre-Conference

Call for Applications Due September 4, 2017

AAPA and the Leadership Fellows Program are excited to launch and pilot the inaugural Graduate Student Leadership Institute. The event will take place starting Wednesday, October 4th – Friday, October 6th.  The leadership institute is an intentional effort to bring AAPA student members together for a 2-day intensive leadership building and networking experience. 

We are launching the Graduate Student Leadership Institute in recognition that the most vulnerable and isolated Asian American and Pacific Islander American (AAPI) students within AAPA may not graduate from their programs without additional supports and opportunities to engage in work they find meaningful outside of their home graduate programs. The Leadership Institute brings these individuals together for an intensive period in order to facilitate networking and bonding that will hopefully allow students to continue to work together and support one another. We also seek to link isolated individuals with current mentors and leaders within AAPA to further enhance student’s opportunities of learning about AAPA leadership and demystifying the leadership pipeline.

Where & When

The leadership institute will be held at a house in Las Vegas beginning at 4pm on Wednesday, October 4th through breakfast on Friday, October 6th. All participants are expected to stay at the house for the duration of the institute. Housing, food, and transportation will be provided. The institute will take place at the house.


The Institute will accept and fund 15 student participants. AAPI students from all types of graduate are eligible (e.g., M.A., M.S., Ph.D., Psy.D., Ed.D.). Each participant will receive a $500 travel stipend and waived conference registration fees. All participants are required to stay at the Institute retreat house for the duration of the institute and attend the AAPA Convention.

 Applicant Criteria

Applicants must be current AAPA members have not completed their graduate degree programs at the time of the Leadership Institute. Preference will be given to applicants who have some prior leadership experience in local contexts (e.g., within their graduate program, volunteering in community) but who have not had leadership experience at the national level within psychology (e.g., held formal leadership positions in APA or other national psychological associations or served in any capacity on the AAPA Executive Committee). Individuals who have had limited opportunities to become more involved in leadership roles within AAPA and other organizations (e.g., current mentors are not involved in AAPA, underrepresented professional interests or personal backgrounds) are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Process

Applications should include (1) the required completed application essay prompts ( and (2) the applicant’s CV (no more than 3 pages, please include a section detailing prior leadership experience).

Please send electronic applications by 11:59pm on September 4, 2017, to the AAPA Leadership Institute Chairs at and

2017 AAPA Leadership Fellows Program – Call for Applications

By Announcements

Dear AAPA Community,

The AAPA Leadership Fellows Program is open to applications for the 2017-2019 cohort. Leadership fellows will be provided with personal, professional, and financial support for 2-years.  Deadlines for applications is September 1, 2017 by 11:59PM PST. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We also hope that folks will take the time to encourage your peers, mentees, and colleagues to apply for this opportunity. The call for applications can be downloaded here: [2017 AAPA Leadership Fellows Program Call for Applicants].

All application materials should be emailed to and

Warm regards,

Nellie Tran & Richelle Conception

AAPA Leadership Fellows Program Co-Chairs



2017 AAPA Leadership Fellows Program

Call for Applications

The AAPA Leadership Fellows program is a two-year leadership pipeline program that provides mentorship around professional development and a leadership pathway by serving as an entry point for leadership for those individuals who might not have other traditional methods of receiving opportunities and mentorship toward leadership in AAPA. For example, the program works to be inclusive to early career members who come from less recognized psychological disciplines and those who could benefit from more focused mentorship that leads to AAPA leadership.The program seeks to diversify the leadership by providing Fellows with mentors and leadership experience in AAPA.The program facilitates the development of AAPA leaders who will contribute to advancing Asian Americans, multiculturalism, and social justice within psychology and the association and to serve as leaders in other academic and organizational settings.

Fellows selected for the program will participate in several trainings, receive individual and group mentoring from experienced leaders in AAPA and Past Fellows, observe and participate in AAPA Executive Committee sessions, complete a two year Fellows’ project, and present their experiences at the 2017 AAPA conference.  Fellows from the 2016 cohort will then become Past Fellows and will mentor incoming fellows for the 2017 year (optional attendance at midyear (if applicable) meetings).   

Fellows will receive a stipend each year to defray travel costs for each required meeting (i.e., midyear meeting TBD or other agreed upon professional conference or meeting, and AAPA (maximum of $1000 per trip per Fellow, up to $2000 for the entire year).  Additional costs of travel and participation will be at fellows’ expense.

Applicant Criteria: Applicants must be AAPA members who have completed their doctoral degree by August 31, 2017.  Preference will be given to applicants who have some prior leadership experience in local contexts (e.g., within their graduate program) but who have not had leadership experience at the national level within psychology (e.g., held formal leadership positions in APA or other national psychological associations or served in any capacity on the AAPA Executive Committee).  Individuals who have had limited opportunities to become more involved in leadership roles within AAPA and other organizations (e.g., current mentors are not involved in AAPA, underrepresented professional interests or personal backgrounds) are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Process: Applications should include (a) the required cover sheet (attached and also available at the AAPA website,  (b) the applicant’s CV (no more than 3 pages, please include a section detailing prior leadership experience and the names of 2 professional references), (c) a short statement (no more than 1500 words) describing the reasons for applying, the desired outcome for the applicant, and the reason for interest in the Fellows program, and (e) one letter of reference from an individual familiar with your professional work and past leadership experiences.  

Please send electronic applications by September 1, 2017, to the Leadership Fellows Chairs at and

AAJP Vol. 8, No. 2, featuring “Microaggressions and Self-Esteem in Emerging Asian American Adults: The Moderating Role of Racial Socialization” by Thai et al

By AAJP, Announcements, News, Press Release, Research

Asian American Journal of Psychology | June 2017 Issue
Feature Article & Table of Contents


Microaggressions and Self-Esteem in Emerging Asian American Adults: The Moderating Role of Racial Socialization
by Christina J. Thai, Heather Z. Lyons, Matthew R. Lee, and Michiko Iwasaki

AAPA would like to congratulate the authors of “Microaggressions and Self-Esteem in Emerging Asian American Adults: The Moderating Role of Racial Socialization,” which has been chosen as the Feature Article of the June 2017 issue. Below is a brief biography of the lead author, Christina J. Thai, and some reflections on this research experience. We hope that the readers of AAJP will find this Feature and the rest of the issue’s articles to be informative and of benefit to their work. The Feature Article may be downloaded for free here, and the June 2017 issue’s Table of Contents is at the end of this post.

Brief Biography of Christina J. Thai

Christina J. Thai graduated from James Madison University in 2013 with bachelor’s degrees in biology and psychology. Christina was a member of JMU’s Cultural and Racial Diversity Studies (CARDS) Lab for three years. As a research assistant, she worked on several projects, including one examining the relationship between Asian Americans’ phenotypic characteristics and experiences of racial microaggressions. After graduation, Christina attended Loyola University Maryland, where she received a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. With the guidance of her advisor, Dr. Heather Lyons, Christina successfully completed her thesis on the role of racial socialization as a moderator for experiences of racial microaggressions and self-esteem in Asian American emerging adults. She is now a Counseling Psychology Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland and is a member of the Culture, Race, and Health Lab working with Dr. Matt Miller. When Christina isn’t otherwise occupied as a die-hard Pittsburgh Penguin fan or an amateur Netflix critic she is busy creating a business plan for her potato themed food truck. Christina hopes to continue studying racial socialization and is currently developing her dissertation idea.

Reflections from the Lead Author

When we were asked to reflect on the interesting, fun, or challenging experiences we encountered while writing up this study we thought of many – traveling to present our research, working with a smart and fun team, and emailing and skyping one another constantly. We also reflected on a parallel process we experienced when submitting this study on microaggressions for presentation at a research event at our home institution. Our peer reviewers responded that they would be happy to include our poster in the research event, after we changed references to “microaggressions” to “perceived microaggressions” without asking that we make a similar change to the other study variables that were also measured using self report. Fortunately, around the same time we received feedback on our submission, Dr. Kira Hudson Banks had published “’Perceived’ discrimination as an example of color-blind racial ideology’s influence on psychology” in the American Psychologist. Dr. Banks’ article allowed us to ground our reaction to the review in research and even a bit of humor. According to Dr. Banks “Aliens, extraterrestrial beings, and phantom limbs are ‘perceived’” (p. 312). Asking that we insert the word “perceived” for only one study variable might have two consequences. Like phantom limbs, readers might recognize microaggressions as an experience living only in the mind of the perceiver. Second, as an experience living only in the mind of the perceiver it also removes a perpetrator from the interaction. This experience, and the insights Dr. Banks facilitated, helped us understand the importance of continuing to present and publish on microaggressions to bolster understanding and credibility of this construct.

Banks, K. H. (2014). “Perceived” discrimination as an example of color-blind racial ideology’s influence on psychology. American Psychologist, 69, 311–313. doi:10.1037/a0035734

[Articles available on APA PsycNET]

FEATURE ARTICLE: Microaggressions and Self-Esteem in Emerging Asian American Adults: The Moderating Role of Racial Socialization [Free download of article]
Christina J. Thai, Heather Z. Lyons, Matthew R. Lee, and Michiko Iwasaki

Reciprocal Relations Between Social Self-Efficacy and Loneliness Among Chinese International Students
William Tsai, Kenneth T. Wang, and Meifen Wei

Social Anxiety in Asian Americans: Integrating Personality and Cultural Factors 
J. Hannah Lee and A. Timothy Church

Parenting Variables Associated With Growth Mindset: An Examination of Three Chinese-Heritage Samples 
Joanna J. Kim, Joey Fung, Qiaobing Wu, Chao Fang, and Anna S. Lau

Loss of Face, Intergenerational Family Conflict, and Depression Among Asian American and European American College Students 
Zornitsa Kalibatseva, Frederick T. L. Leong, Eun Hye Ham, Brittany K. Lannert, and Yang Chen

Mental-Illness Stigma Among Korean Immigrants: Role of Culture and Destigmatization Strategies 
Meekyung Han, Rachel Cha, Hyun Ah Lee, and Sang E. Lee

Developing Minority Leaders: Key Success Factors of Asian Americans 
Thomas Sy, Susanna Tram-Quon, and Alex Leung

An Examination of Attitudes Toward Gender and Sexual Violence Among Asian Indians in the United States
Pratyusha Tummala-Narra, Jaclyn Houston-Kolnik, Nina Sathasivam-Rueckert, and Megan Greeson

MMPI-2 Profiles Among Asian American Missionary Candidates: Gendered Comparisons for Ethnicity and Population Norms
Christopher H. Rosik, Grecia Rosel, Meg M. Slivoskey, Katie M. Ogdon, Ian K. Roos, Tiffany M. Kincaid, and Mandalyn R. Castanon

Read about the last issue of AAJP
For more information on AAJP:
Contact: Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D., Editor, Asian American Journal of Psychology,