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AAJP June 2021 Article Spotlight: Joel Wong and Keiko McCullough wrote “The Intersectional Prototypicality Model: Understanding the Discriminatory Experiences of Asian American Women and Men”

By AAJP, Announcements

This June’s Asian American Journal of Psychology’s feature article is written by Joel Wong and Keiko McCullough, who provided information about their research and writing the article below. Check out the journal for the full article. and here is the link for the ToC for the June issue:

Writing this article was profoundly meaningful for both of us because of our lived experiences as Asian Americans. Although we cited research and theories in support of the Intersectional Prototypicality Model, this model also reflects our personal experiences as well as those of many other Asian Americans. We included practical examples, such as Jeremy Lin’s experiences of being a hypo-prototypical professional basketball player, the omission of Asian American women from a 2019 Monitor on Psychology article featuring women of color researchers, the representation of Asian women in pornography, and the challenges that Asian American men face as dating partners. We hope our article will draw attention to the dual constructs of hypo-prototypicality (being perceived as less representative of a social group or role) and hyper-prototypicality (being perceived as having exaggerated attributes of a prototypical group member) as well as how they shape the types of discrimination committed against Asian Americans.


Joel Wong is a Professor of Counseling Psychology and Chair of the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology at Indiana University Bloomington. His research interests include Asian American mental health, the psychology of men and masculinities, and positive psychology (the psychology of gratitude and the psychology of encouragement). Dr. Wong is a fellow of the Asian American Psychological Association and of the American Psychological Association (Division 17, 45, and 51).

Keiko M. McCullough is a Doctoral Candidate in Counseling Psychology at Indiana University Bloomington. Her research primarily investigates the intersections of race, gender, and media using both quantitative and qualitative methods. She has served as the student representative of the American Psychological Association’s division of the Psychology of Women and the Asian American Psychological Association’s division of Asian Americans with Multiple Heritages. 

Call for 2021 AAPA Professional and Student awards applications due July 31, 2021

By Announcements, Awards, Call for Applications

Full descriptions of awards review here

The AAPA Awards and Recognition Committee requests nominations for the following:

Professional Awards
• Okura Community Leadership Award
• Distinguished Contributions Award
• Lifetime Achievement Award
• Early Career Award for Research
• Early Career Award for Service

Student Awards *separate from the Division on Students Awards
• Dissertation Research Grant
• Stephen C. Rose Scholarship for Psychology Research on Asian American Youth

All award winners will be notified prior to the annual AAPA Convention. Presentation of all awards will
take place at the 2021 Annual AAPA Convention Awards Ceremony.
Current members of the Executive Committee are not eligible for these awards during their term of
office. Members of the AAPA Awards and Recognition Committee and of the Executive Committee
may make nominations; however, if they do, they must withdraw from the voting process related to any
nominee for whom they have written a letter of support.
Criteria and Nomination Procedures: Descriptions of each award, nomination criteria, and required
materials are provided on the following pages.
• Materials for each award must be compiled into one PDF document titled with the nominee’s
name and award name. For example, “KaraBautistaDissertation.pdf”.
• Submit only one nomination per email to Please put the name of the applicant
and “AAPA Awards” in the subject line of the email.
• Faxes or mailed submissions will not be accepted. (If you don’t have access to email, please
work with a colleague who does).
• Please notify one of the committee chairs if you would like to resubmit a nomination packet
from last year.

*Please note, the Awards and Recognition Committee does not provide feedback on application

Deadline: Nominations must be received by July 31, 2021 11:59 EST. Late and incomplete
submissions will not be reviewed.

AAPA 2021 National Convention Oct 1-3

By Announcements, Convention


Expanding Our Banyan Tree: Unity, Inclusivity, and Intersectionality in Scholarship

Proposal deadline June 14th, 2021 at 11:59 pm PST

Proposal submission information at this link. Submit proposals here.

About the 2021 Convention:

In light of our theme, Expanding Our Banyan Tree: Unity, Inclusivity, and Intersectionality in Scholarship, we are seeking proposals that highlight specific
issues challenging Asian-identified communities as well as our relationship to issues
impacting other racial and ethnic minorities. We are also seeking proposals that draw
attention to underrepresented and multiple intersecting identities across such groups.
In addition, we are interested in submissions that focus on collaborative projects (both
nationally and internationally), interdisciplinary scholarship, multicultural perspective,
cross-cultural psychology, and other works that further social justice movements,
especially in light of the rise in Anti-Asian violence. We encourage submissions from
researchers, community leaders and activists, mental health providers, and educators
who work with underrepresented communities. Moreover, we welcome submissions
from professionals and scholars in allied fields (e.g., Anthropology, Asian American
Studies, Communication, Education, History, Law, Nursing, Political Science, Public
Health, Psychiatry, Social Work, Sociology, and Counselor Education) with whom we
collaborate and whose work informs Asian American mental health.
We invite you to join us on this path of self-exploration, reflection, loving, and growth as we steer AAPA toward an exciting and inclusive future.