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AAPA Convention Interdisciplinary Call for Proposals Now Open

By Announcements, Call for Proposals, Convention

The 2016 AAPA Convention is now calling for proposals for posters, symposia, and interactive sessions. Interdisciplinary proposals are highly encouraged for the theme: “Beyond ‘Yellow’ Borders: Revealing Our Diverse Community, Expanding Our Coalition Horizon”. For more information, visit and download the full 2016 Call for Proposals.

Deadline: March 21, 2016 at 11:00 p.m. PST

AAPA statement on anti-Muslim hate and violence

By Announcements

December 16th, 2015

AAPA Stands  with our Brothers & Sisters Against Anti-Muslim Hate, Xenophobia, and Bigotry

As an organization dedicated to advance the mental health and well-being of Asian Americans, we cannot stand by and watch the rhetoric of hate, fear, and violence permeate the country.  Our Arab, Sikh, South Asian, African-American, and Muslim brothers and sisters are the targets of  incendiary political exploitation, international  terrorist attacks, and hate crimes across the U.S.

We know from our own US history that anti- Asian and anti-religious sentiment has resulted in racists laws and policies such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, and proposals to ban Catholic immigrants into the US during the 19th and 20th centuries.  Those were  examples of xenophobic and anti-religious sentiment that escalated into detrimental actions by our government and supported by the public.

Research with Japanese Americans whose family members were interned during WWII has shown that trauma caused by a climate of fear, hate, violence, and social exclusion have long-term negative consequences across multiple generations. Recent psychological research has also documented the deleterious effects of anti-Muslim hate (including violence, bullying, and discrimination) on Muslim Americans as well as Sikh Americans who are often misidentified. It is clear that the aftermath of racist laws and actions affect the psyche of both the individual and community, and does not promote inclusiveness, healing, or trust.

We can do better. We do not have to repeat history. We encourage AAPA members to raise our voice against hate and to stand with our brothers and sisters  who are being targeted in the current climate of fear and hate.  We ask you to reach out to colleagues, friends, neighbors, students and family. Be a facilitator in promoting understanding and healing. Take action against anti-Muslim hate, xenophobia, and bigotry and stand as Asian Americans building the dreams and promise this country holds for us.



AAJP Vol 6, No 4 featuring Su Yeong Kim et al.’s Annual Review of Asian American Psychology, 2014

By AAJP, Member Spotlight, Research

Asian American Journal of Psychology | December 2015 Issue
Feature Article & Table of Contents


“Annual Review of Asian American Psychology, 2014”
Su Yeong Kim, Yishan Shen, Yang Hou, Kelsey Tilton, Linda Juang, and Yijie Wang

AAPA would like to congratulate the authors of “Annual Review of Asian American Psychology, 2014,” which has been chosen as the Feature Article of the December 2015 issue. Below is a brief biography the lead author, Dr. Su Yeong Kim, and a brief insight into the inner workings of crafting such an article. We hope that the readers of AAJP will find this article (as well as the other articles) informative and helpful in their professional work. The Feature Article may be downloaded for free here, and the December 2015 issue’s Table of Contents is at the end of this post.

Brief Biography of Dr. Su Yeong Kim

Dr. Su Yeong Kim

Dr. Su Yeong Kim

Su Yeong Kim, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. She studies the intersection of family and cultural contexts in understanding the development of children of immigrant in the United States, with a focus on children of Chinese and Mexican origin. Her research has revealed that the commonly held perception of Asian American parents as “tiger parents” is inaccurate. In fact, her eight year longitudinal study of Chinese American families demonstrate supportive parenting as the most common type of parenting leading to the most optimal outcomes in terms of both academic and socio-emotional adjustment in Chinese American adolescents. Her studies on language brokering among Mexican American adolescents reveals that children experience both a sense of burden and efficacy in translating for their non-English fluent parents, and that their perceptions of the language brokering experience relate directly to their socio-emotional adjustment.

Reflections from the Lead Author, Dr. Su Yeong Kim

The writing of the Annual Review of Asian American Psychology for 2014 was an enormous undertaking, involving the coding of an initial set of 4,366 articles to arrive at 316 articles that met criteria for inclusion in the review. The coding and writing of the Annual Review of Asian American Psychology for 2014 involved not only six co-authors, but also more than 15 undergraduate research assistants to accomplish the feat. We were impressed with both the diversity and breadth of research on Asian Americans. Our review highlights the prominence of health related topics in Asian American psychology, and research on older adults becoming more prominent within the field of Asian American psychology. We also highlight the need for more longitudinal, developmental research in the field that samples more diverse ethnic groups among Asian Americans. Our review is the first to highlight some of the most prolific authors in the field of Asian American psychology, ranging from more recent Ph.D.’s such as Stephen H. Chen of Wellesley College to more established senior scholars like Shinobu Kitayama of University of Michigan. It is also the first to compile a list of the most frequent and prominent scholarly journals to publish research on Asian American psychology, to become an important resource for scholars in the field. The Annual Review of Asian American Psychology 2014 provides a comprehensive snapshot of current state of the field in Asian American psychology today.

[Articles available for download through PsycNET]

[Feature Article] Annual review of Asian American Psychology, 2014.
Kim, Su Yeong; Shen, Yishan; Hou, Yang; Tilton, Kelsey E.; Juang, Linda; Wang, Yijie

Community integration of Burmese refugees in the United States.
Lee, Sungkyu; Choi, Sunha; Proulx, Laurel; Cornwell, Jennifer

The role of cultural beliefs in disordered eating among Asian-American women.
Tsong, Yuying; Smart, Rebekah

Depressive symptoms in South Asian, East Asian, and European Americans: Evidence for ethnic differences in coping with academic versus interpersonal stress?
Perera, Marisa J.; Chang, Edward C.

Effects of becoming a mother on the development of ethnic and racial identities in Korean transnationally and transracially adopted women.
Day, Stephanie C.; Godon-Decoteau, Danielle; Suyemoto, Karen L.

AAPA DoFA Conference Jan. 30th, proposals due Dec. 15th

By Announcements

The Asian American Psychological Association’s Division on Filipino Americans (DoFA) is excited to announce the first ever DoFA conference:

Filipino American Psychology: Past, Present, and Future

Date: Sat, Jan 30, 2016 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Location: The Wright Institute
2728 Durant Avenue Berkeley, CA 94526,

Description: Seminal conference on Filipino American Psychology. Amazing opportunity to learn about psychological issues important for the Filipino American community, and to connect with other professionals in a supportive, familial environment. Prominent Filipino American psychologists will conduct presentations, including Dr. E. J. R. David and Dr. Kevin Nadal.

Poster Presentations (download proposal form):
Deadline for applications: December 15, 2015 11:59 p.m. PST. The directions for submissions are attached and can be emailed to Dr. Krista Chronister at

Price: $20 (Student Rate)
$35 (Professional Rate)

Tentative Agenda:

8-9am: Registration/ Breakfast/ Get to Know You Time
9-10am: Opening Plenary – History of Filipino American Psychology
10-11am: Keynote Speaker, by Dr. EJ David
11-12pm: Kapwa: Mentorship and Connection
12-1pm: Lunch
1-2pm: Working with Filipino American Clients
2-3pm: Activism, Community Organizing, & Mental Health
3-4 pm: Intersectional Identities – Gender, Multiracial, LGBTQ issues, etc.
4-5pm: Poster Session

To register, please visit:\

Thank you, and hope to see you there!

(DoFA Conference Flyer)DoFA 2016 Conference image

AAJP Call for Papers: Qualitative Methods in Asian American Psychology

By AAJP, Announcements, News, Research

Dear Colleagues,

We are soliciting manuscripts to be featured in a Special Issue of the Asian American Journal of Psychology entitled “Qualitative Methods in Asian American Psychology.” The focus for this issue will be on highlighting studies that incorporate diverse qualitative methodologies to understand the complex psychological experiences of Asian Americans. Of particular interest are manuscripts that can serve as exemplars of various qualitative approaches/methodologies such as Ethnography, Phenomenology, Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR), Grounded Theory, Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR), Case Study, and Mixed Methods.

Deadline for submissions will be July 31, 2016. All submissions for the special issue will undergo the same review process as any other manuscript submitted to AAJP. Drs. Nagata and Suzuki will serve as Co-Editors for this special issue. Please feel free to contact Dr. Nagata at if you have any questions.


Donna Nagata, Ph.D.,
Professor of Psychology
University of Michigan

Lisa Suzuki, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor of Psychology
New York University

Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D.
Editor, Asian American Journal of Psychology