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AAPA Statement on Orlando Shooting

By Announcements, News, Press Release, Statements

AAPA Statement on Orlando Shooting

June 14, 2016

AAPA offers our condolences and ongoing support in response to the horrific act of violence in Orlando, Florida this past Sunday, June 12, 2016, in the midst of Pride celebrations among the LGBTQ community. The shootings of innocent people celebrating Latin night at Pulse Nightclub is a tragedy impacting family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and the wider community who have lost their loved ones in a senseless act of violence.

We join in mourning with the many intersected communities impacted by the Orlando shootings, especially our LGBTQ AAPA members and the Division on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQQ) within AAPA. As a community-at-large, we can stand up and take actions in the face of overwhelming tragedy. We will donate what we can, be it blood to be banked or money for victims’ families and organizations that promote peace and support LGBTQ communities.

Importantly, we provide our unwavering support to stay united and protect the human rights of all. We reject hatred in all of its forms and reaffirm our commitment to opposing anti-LGBTQ and anti-Muslim bigotry. Let us stand together and not allow a single individual’s hateful actions to turn us against our Muslim brothers and sisters. We will continue to celebrate Pride Month, Ramadan, and Immigrant Heritage Month.  We urge each of us to continue to do our part by reaching out to one another, inviting dialogue, reducing stigma, and promoting access to mental health care during these difficult times. We especially urge you to continue your advocacy work and education about issues of violence, discrimination, hatred, oppression, mental illness, extremism, and the impact on all affected communities.


Selected Resources for Support and Information:

American Psychological Association – Managing your distress in the wake of mass shooting:

American Psychological Association- How to talk to children about difficult news and tragedies:

SAMHSA – Incidents on Mass Violence:

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays:



Contact: Kevin Nadal, Ph.D.

AAPA President,

Download Statement: [AAPA Statement on Orlando Shooting 2016-06-14.pdf]

AAPA Board Nominations by Wed., 4/27! Seeking Secretary/Historian nominations

By Announcements

Dear AAPA Friends and Colleagues,

The call for nominations for AAPA elected positions is extended to Wednesday, April 27th, 2016. We still have a vacancy for the Secretary/Historian position. Please consider nominating yourself!

Below is a list of first-round nominees:
President-Elect : Helen Hsu
Vice President : Richelle Concepcion
Secretary/Historian: No nominations received
Board of Directors: Amy Kobus; Marcia Liu
Board of Director (Student Representative): Ming Tu
Council of Representatives (CoR) Chair: Monique Shah Kulkarni

AAPA nominations should be accompanied by a brief statement (max. 250 words) addressing:
· Past AAPA offices held (if any);
· Past contributions to AAPA and/or Asian American psychology;
· Goal statement of what the nominee hopes to accomplish as an AAPA officer.

Nominees must be current AAPA members. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Please send nominations and statements by April 27th, 2016 via email (as text in the body of the email message, NOT as an attachment) to:
Pei-Wen Winnie Ma, AAPA Secretary/Historian:

Descriptions of the positions are listed below:

Duties of the President. In performing the duties of office, the President-Elect shall:
1. conduct the business of the Association between meetings of The Executive Committee;
2. be an ex-officio member of all committees and chair of The Executive Committee meetings;
3. represent the Association in business matters with other organizations, agencies, or governmental bodies;
4. act for the Association in any particular business matter, provided that prompt reports are furnished to The Executive Committee, and that the action is not opposed by a majority of The Executive Committee, and that
the action is consistent with the Association By-Laws;
5. delegate some of his or her duties to other members at his or her discretion;
6. serve a two year term of office, or until a successor assumes the office.

Duties of the Vice President. In performing duties of office, the Vice President shall:
1. serve in the place of the President should the President not be able to carry out his or her duties;
2. assume other duties as agreed upon with the President;
3. oversee the planning of the Association’s annual convention;
4. delegate responsibilities to other Association members at his or her discretion;
5. serve a two year term of office, or until a successor assumes the office.

Duties of the Secretary/Historian. In performing the duties of the office, the Secretary/Historian shall:
1. collect and maintain archival items of that Association including but not limited to AAPA publications (newsletters, monographs, journals, convention proceedings), convention programs, and other items of
historical significance;
2. document summaries of Executive Committee meetings and other Association meetings of historical significance when so directed by The Executive Committee;
3. compose election materials for the newsletter and collect ballots;
4. serve for two year term of office, or until a successor assumes the office.

Duties of the Directors. In performing duties of their office, the Directors shall:
1. assume specific duties and responsibilities as directed by the President;
2. assist the Vice-President in planning the annual convention;
3. act as liaisons to other national or international organizations which purposes or actions will benefit the Association and its purposes;
4. assist in soliciting corporate donations and other fund raising activities to carry out the objectives of the Association, including awarding of student scholarships;
5. serve for no more than two (2) consecutive terms of two years each.

CoR Chair. The primary responsibility of the CoR Chair in relation to the AAPA parent organization is to communicate the perspectives and decisions of the CoR and Divisions to the AAPA Executive Committee, and to communicate the perspectives and decisions of the AAPA Executive Committee to the CoR. The CoR Chair attends both AAPA Executive Committee and CoR meetings. He/she has primary responsibilities on the CoR,chairing this body and guiding the development of shared initiatives of the divisions. Because the CoR Chair has voting rights on the AAPA Board, she/he is elected by the general membership of the Association. However, the CoR will have the sole responsibility for providing a slate of nominees for the position of CoR Chair and no other nominations will be accepted from other individuals or groups. An individual cannot simultaneously hold the position of CoR Chair position and a Division leadership position.

Student Award deadlines this Friday, April 1st!

By Announcements
Friday, April 1st is the deadline for the AAPA Dissertation Research Grant and the new Stephen C. Rose Scholarship for Psychology Research on Asian American Youth.iStock_000021553024ApplyNow
  • 2016 AAPA Dissertation Research Grant;This grant (up to $500) is awarded to a doctoral student to support his or her research that contributes to the advancement of Asian American Psychology. 
  • *The Stephen C. Rose Scholarship for Psychology Research on Asian American YouthThis scholarship from the Steve Fund ($1,000 plus travel stipend to present research at the AAPA Convention) is awarded to either an undergraduate or graduate student proposing a research project focusing on the mental and emotional health of Asian American students on college campuses. (*This award is new this year.)


For more information, visit the Awards webpage, attached descriptions, or contact AAPA Student Awards Committee Chair, Hyung Chol (Brandon) Yoo, Ph.D. at

AAJP Vol. 7, No. 1 featuring “Asian Indian International Students’ Trajectories of Depression, Acculturation, and Enculturation,” by Meghani & Harvey

By Announcements

Asian American Journal of Psychology | March 2016 Issue
Feature Article & Table of Contents

“Asian Indian International Students’ Trajectories of Depression, Acculturation, and Enculturation”
Dhara T. Meghani and Elizabeth A. Harvey

Dr. Dhara Meghani

Dr. Dhara Meghani

AAPA would like to congratulate the authors of “Asian Indian International Students’ Trajectories of Depression, Acculturation, and Enculturation,” which has been chosen as the Feature Article of the March 2016 issue. Below is a brief biography the lead author, Dr. Dhara T. Meghani, and some reflections on the study and its inspiration. We hope that the readers of AAJP will find this Feature and the rest of the issue’s articles to be informative and of benefit to their work. The Feature Article may be downloaded for free here, and the March 2016 issue’s Table of Contents is at the end of this post.

Brief Biography of Dr. Dhara T. Meghani

Dhara T. Meghani, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Clinical Psychology Psy.D. program within the School of Nursing and Health Professions at the University of San Francisco. Dr. Meghani’s research focuses on mental health outcomes of individuals and families following major life events including immigration, trauma, and new parenthood. Dr. Meghani is also interested in the training and education of health professionals and in incorporating trauma-informed care across integrated health settings to improve service delivery and patient experiences. Dr. Meghani was an AAPA Leadership Fellow during 2013-14 and is also a past columnist for South Asian Parent magazine, in which she blogged about the intersection of parenting and child development research and cultural practices relevant to families in the South Asian diaspora.

Dr. Meghani holds a B.A in Psychology (Anthropology minor) from the University of California Berkeley and received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She completed her clinical internship and post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California San Francisco/San Francisco General Hospital Child Trauma Research Program and is trained in Child-Parent Psychotherapy, an intervention for children under six and their parents who have been exposed to interpersonal trauma.

Reflections from the Lead Author

Much of the inspiration for this research study came from watching my parents – themselves immigrants – regularly welcome Indian international graduate students from the local university to our home for meals and to celebrate Indian holidays while I was growing up. It was apparent how appreciative the students were to have a little taste of home away from home (many of them still keep in touch), and hearing their varied impressions intrigued me and left me wanting to know more about how they felt about living in such a different culture thousands of miles away. One of the biggest challenges of conducting this study involved collecting longitudinal data beyond the University walls by implementing internet-based surveys, which were still relatively new when we launched the study. This methodology certainly had advantages, such as enabling us to sample from over 30 institutions; at the same time, recruiting and maintaining participants who had not met us in person over six time points was tricky – even in this age, there is little substitute for face-to-face interaction! At the end of the study, several students commented on how much they enjoyed completing the surveys as this was a rare opportunity to reflect on their personal well-being and track their growth during the academic year. This was a benefit of participation that we had not necessarily anticipated, and it was exciting to see students spontaneously disclose feelings of pride and accomplishment in ‘surviving’ their first year of graduate school and initial months in the United States. I continue to be ever grateful to the students who participated and allowed us to accompany them during this momentous and transformative period in their lives. (Dr. Dhara T. Meghani, 2016)


[Articles available for download through PsycNET]

[Feature Article] Asian Indian International Students’ Trajectories of Depression, Acculturation, and Enculturation
Dhara T. Meghani and Elizabeth A. Harvey

Emotional Self-Control, Interpersonal Shame, and Racism as Predictors of Help-Seeking Attitudes Among Asian Americans: An Application of the Intrapersonal–Interpersonal-Sociocultural Framework
Paul Youngbin Kim, Dana L. Kendall, and Elizabeth S. Chang

The Relationship of Colonial Mentality With Filipina American Experiences With Racism and Sexism
Lou Collette S. Felipe

Correlates of Asian American Emerging Adults’ Perceived Parent-Child Cultural Orientations: Testing a Bilinear and Bidimensional Model
Minkyeong Shin, Y. Joel Wong, and Cara S. Maffini

A Narrative-Linguistic Approach to Understanding Asian American Adolescents’ Discrimination Experiences
Lisa Kiang and Kalpa Bhattacharjee

Implications of Emotion Expressivity for Daily and Trait Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Functioning Across Ethnic Groups
William Tsai, Michael Sun, Shu-wen Wang, and Anna S. Lau

Intercultural Stressors of Chinese Immigrant Students: Voices of Chinese-American Mental Health Professionals
Chieh Li, Huijun Li, and Jianghe Niu

[International Section] Writing Can Heal: Effects of Self-Compassion Writing Among Hong Kong Chinese College Students
Celia C. Y. Wong and Winnie W. S. Mak