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AAJP Culture and Prevention Special Issue

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As part of their presidential theme on Culture and Prevention, Past President and Vice President, Richard Lee and Anna Lau, recently published a special issue in the AAPA journal Asian American Journal of Psychology on the topic. Check out the latest cutting-edge research on Asian American populations.

Mind the Gap: How Generational Differences Affect the Mental Health of Asian American Families

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AAPA Member Matthew Miller, PhD, Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Maryland, College Park, wrote this brief report last year for the APA Public Interest Directorate

What do the words “generation gap” mean to you?

For many people, “generation gap” conjures up memories of conflict with their parents over differences in music tastes, career choice, political affiliation, lifestyle choices, etc.

However, for many Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) families, typical generation gap conflicts are exacerbated by the acculturation gap – the phenomenon where children of immigrant parents adapt to a new culture faster and in a different way than their parents (Lee et al., 2000).

Read more here.

Will Liu, PhD – Incoming Editor of Psychology of Men and Masculinity

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Congratulations to William Ming Liu, PhD from University of Iowa who will be the Incoming Editor for Psychology of Men and Masculinity.

Psychology of Men & Masculinity ® is devoted to the dissemination of research, theory, and clinical scholarship that advances the psychology of men and masculinity. This discipline is defined broadly as the study of how boys’ and men’s psychology is influenced and shaped by both gender and sex, and encompasses the study of the social construction of gender, sex differences and similarities, and biological processes.