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Call for Applications

Call for 2021 AAPA Professional and Student awards applications due July 31, 2021

By Announcements, Awards, Call for Applications

Full descriptions of awards review here

The AAPA Awards and Recognition Committee requests nominations for the following:

Professional Awards
• Okura Community Leadership Award
• Distinguished Contributions Award
• Lifetime Achievement Award
• Early Career Award for Research
• Early Career Award for Service

Student Awards *separate from the Division on Students Awards
• Dissertation Research Grant
• Stephen C. Rose Scholarship for Psychology Research on Asian American Youth

All award winners will be notified prior to the annual AAPA Convention. Presentation of all awards will
take place at the 2021 Annual AAPA Convention Awards Ceremony.
Current members of the Executive Committee are not eligible for these awards during their term of
office. Members of the AAPA Awards and Recognition Committee and of the Executive Committee
may make nominations; however, if they do, they must withdraw from the voting process related to any
nominee for whom they have written a letter of support.
Criteria and Nomination Procedures: Descriptions of each award, nomination criteria, and required
materials are provided on the following pages.
• Materials for each award must be compiled into one PDF document titled with the nominee’s
name and award name. For example, “KaraBautistaDissertation.pdf”.
• Submit only one nomination per email to Please put the name of the applicant
and “AAPA Awards” in the subject line of the email.
• Faxes or mailed submissions will not be accepted. (If you don’t have access to email, please
work with a colleague who does).
• Please notify one of the committee chairs if you would like to resubmit a nomination packet
from last year.

*Please note, the Awards and Recognition Committee does not provide feedback on application

Deadline: Nominations must be received by July 31, 2021 11:59 EST. Late and incomplete
submissions will not be reviewed.

2017 AAPA Inaugural Leadership Institute Pre-Conference Call for Application

By Announcements, Call for Applications

Dear AAPA family,

It is my extreme honor and pleasure to announce the launch of our inaugural Graduate Student Leadership Institute! We are piloting this first institute with hopes of continuing to offer this pre-conference institute in the future. All students at all levels across all program types are eligible to apply for the institute. We especially encourage applicants looking for opportunities to engage in leadership opportunities and mentorship relationships who may not yet have had access to such opportunities. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Richelle and I will you have any questions or concerns.

To our students, it is our sincere hope that you won’t discount yourself from this opportunity without first looking at the application. And to our post-degree members, we hope that you will consider this an opportunity to encourage a student to apply. And perhaps our post-degree members will consider applying for the leadership fellows program.

Warmest regard,

Nellie Tran & Richelle Concepcion

AAPA Leadership Fellows Program Co-Chairs


2017 AAPA Inaugural Leadership Institute Pre-Conference

Call for Applications Due September 4, 2017

AAPA and the Leadership Fellows Program are excited to launch and pilot the inaugural Graduate Student Leadership Institute. The event will take place starting Wednesday, October 4th – Friday, October 6th.  The leadership institute is an intentional effort to bring AAPA student members together for a 2-day intensive leadership building and networking experience. 

We are launching the Graduate Student Leadership Institute in recognition that the most vulnerable and isolated Asian American and Pacific Islander American (AAPI) students within AAPA may not graduate from their programs without additional supports and opportunities to engage in work they find meaningful outside of their home graduate programs. The Leadership Institute brings these individuals together for an intensive period in order to facilitate networking and bonding that will hopefully allow students to continue to work together and support one another. We also seek to link isolated individuals with current mentors and leaders within AAPA to further enhance student’s opportunities of learning about AAPA leadership and demystifying the leadership pipeline.

Where & When

The leadership institute will be held at a house in Las Vegas beginning at 4pm on Wednesday, October 4th through breakfast on Friday, October 6th. All participants are expected to stay at the house for the duration of the institute. Housing, food, and transportation will be provided. The institute will take place at the house.


The Institute will accept and fund 15 student participants. AAPI students from all types of graduate are eligible (e.g., M.A., M.S., Ph.D., Psy.D., Ed.D.). Each participant will receive a $500 travel stipend and waived conference registration fees. All participants are required to stay at the Institute retreat house for the duration of the institute and attend the AAPA Convention.

 Applicant Criteria

Applicants must be current AAPA members have not completed their graduate degree programs at the time of the Leadership Institute. Preference will be given to applicants who have some prior leadership experience in local contexts (e.g., within their graduate program, volunteering in community) but who have not had leadership experience at the national level within psychology (e.g., held formal leadership positions in APA or other national psychological associations or served in any capacity on the AAPA Executive Committee). Individuals who have had limited opportunities to become more involved in leadership roles within AAPA and other organizations (e.g., current mentors are not involved in AAPA, underrepresented professional interests or personal backgrounds) are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Process

Applications should include (1) the required completed application essay prompts ( and (2) the applicant’s CV (no more than 3 pages, please include a section detailing prior leadership experience).

Please send electronic applications by 11:59pm on September 4, 2017, to the AAPA Leadership Institute Chairs at and