Dear AAPA Friends and Colleagues:
We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for leadership positions within AAPA and several Divisions. We have many important positions available. The nominations along with candidate statements are due by April 1, 2014.
The vibrancy of an organization is often reflected in its voting process. We strongly encourage you to nominate yourself and colleagues for a unique opportunity to serve as a leader within AAPA. In the past, nominations have been based on many factors, including expertise, passion for a particular cause, a desire to help, interest in working with an inspiring group of colleagues, or even simple curiosity (e.g., what exactly does a “board member” do?). Whatever your motivation(s) might be, please consider nominating someone (or multiple people!) for these positions.
AAPA is seeking nominations for the following elected positions:
President-Elect (1-year term begins August 2014, followed by a 2-year term as President, followed by a 1-year term as Past-President)
Vice President (2-year term begins August 2015)
Secretary/Historian (2-year term begins August 2014)
2 Board of Directors (one Director position to be filled by a student) (2-year term begins August 2014)
APA Council Representative (3-year term begins August 2014)
Please visit for detailed information about the duties of each of the positions.
Contact Linda Juang at for more information or with questions.
AAPA Divisions Elections:
The Division of Women (DoW) is seeking nominations for Newsletter Editor and Secretary. Please contact Sue Bae at for more information or with questions.
The Division of South Asian Americans (DoSAA) is seeking nominations for Chair-Elect, Communications Chair, Treasurer, Membership/Nominations/Election Chair, Historian/Secretary, and Student Representative. Please contact Monique Shah Kulkarni at for more information or with questions.
The Division of Filipino Americans (DoFA) is seeking nominations for two Co-Chairs, one Financial Chair, and one Student Representative. Please contact E.J.R. David at for more information or with questions.
The Division of Students (DoS) is seeking nominations for Chair, Assistant Chair, Secretary-Historian, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Expansion Coordinator, and Publicity Coordinator. Please contact Fanny Ng at for more information or with questions.
The Division of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (DoLGBTQ) is seeking nominations for two Co-Chairs, one Financial Chair, and one Student Representative. Please contact Kevin Nadal at for more information or with questions.
If you joined AAPA before the new website was launched on May 15, 2013, you will need to renew your membership now. Once you renew, your membership will be automatically renewed each year until you cancel. To renew your membership or simply to check when your expiration date is, please log in to view your membership account. If you don’t remember your log-in, you can reset your password.
Member Log-InOnce you are logged in, you can check your membership level and your expiration date. To renew or upgrade your membership, click the button at the top of the page that says, “Renew or Upgrade My Membership.”
Feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions!
We would like to inform you that the AAPA Listserv has been shut down and a new Google Group has been set up to replace it. The Google Group is a free service that is made available to current members of the Asian American Psychological Association. If you are not currently a member, we encourage you to learn more about the benefits of membership and join now!
Do I need to have a Google Account in order to use the Google Group?
No. We set up the group so you can post to the group simply by sending an email to All messages that are posted to the group will be emailed to you as well.
Online Viewing
You do have the option to view the messages online by going to You do need a Google Account to view topics online and perform the following tasks:
- Post to the group using the web interface.
- Change your subscription type.
Create a Google Account
To set up a Google Account, go to the Account Creation Page. By default, Google will assume you are setting up a new email address, but you do have the option to use your existing personal email address by clicking on the link that says, “I prefer to use my current email address.”

Subscription Types
Once you set up a Google Account and log in, you can select how you would like to receive email from the group using one of the following four settings:
- Don’t send email updates: Do not receive email for group posts. Participate in this group through only the web interface.
- Send daily summaries: Receive one summary email of new activity per day.
- Send combined updates: Receive one email for every 25 new messages.
- Send me an email for every new message: Receive an email for every new post. This is the default setting on all accounts.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Dear AAPA colleagues,
Please see below & click here Leadership Fellows2013 for the call for applications for the 2013-2014 AAPA Leadership Fellows Program. The application deadline is Monday, August 26, 2013. If you have any questions, please contact the program co-chairs, Sam Wan ( and Grace Kim ( Thank you!
AAPA Leadership Fellows Program
Call for Applications
To facilitate the development of AAPA leaders who will contribute to advancing Asian Americans in psychology, multiculturalism, and social justice within psychology, AAPA is continuing its leadership development program.
Leadership Fellows selected for the program will participate in several trainings, receive individual and group mentoring from experienced leaders in AAPA and Past Leadership Fellows, observe and participate in AAPA Executive Committee sessions, complete a year-long Leadership Fellows’ project, and present their experiences at the 2014 AAPA conference in Washington, D.C. LeadershipFellows from the 2013-2014 cohort will then become Past Leadership Fellows and will mentor incoming leadership fellows for the 2014-2015 year (optional attendance at midyear (if applicable) meetings).
Leadership Fellows will receive a stipend in the first year to defray travel costs for each required meeting (i.e., midyear meeting TBD or other agreed upon professional conference or meeting, and AAPA in Washington, D.C. (maximum of $750 per trip per Fellow, up to $1500 for the entire year). Additional costs of travel and participation will be at Leadership Fellows’ expense.
Overview of Leadership Fellow’s Program:
– Leadership Fellows Program Information Session |
AAPA Convention 2013 (during lunch)
– Initial Fellows Orientation:
o Date TBD
Telephone conference call- Professional Development Conference Call (Date TBD)
– Ongoing individual mentoring and work on projects
– Attendance at AAPA EC meetings
Sept.-Dec. 2013
Online/telephone- AAPA EC Midyear meeting or a professional conference (e.g., Winter Roundtable, SRA, AAAS, etc.; TBD)
Date TBD, 2014
– Professional Development Conference Call (Date TBD)
– Ongoing individual mentoring and work on projects
– Attendance at AAPA EC meetings
– Participation in recruitment of next year’s Leadership Fellows
Feb. to Aug. 2014
Online/telephone- AAPA Conference Presentation by 2013 Fellows:
– Initial Fellows Training for 2014 fellows
– AAPA EC annual meeting.
– Participation in Program Evaluation of Leadership Fellows ProgramAugust 2014
AAPA/APA Conference
Washington, D.C.
Leadership Fellows’ Projects
Working closely with a Project Mentor, Leadership Fellows will assume primary responsibility for a Leadership Fellow’s Project associated with AAPA initiatives and activities.
Past examples of leadership fellows’ projects included:
- Creating fact sheets on: bullying and suicide among Asian Americans, first generation college students, Asian international students
- Aiding in drafting grant proposals for CNPAAEMI Leadership Fellows program
- Assisting state organizations with the creation of a mental health Information Sheet for California Insurance Programs
- Attendance at the California Leadership and Advocacy Conference as an AAPA representative with a report to the Newsletter
- Participation on the Social Justice Task Force for the creation of the AAPA Social Justice Standing Committee program
The specific goals and outcomes for each Leadership Fellow in relation to his or her project will be developed in collaboration with their mentors.
Applicant Criteria
Applicants must be AAPA members who have completed their doctoral degree by August 31, 2013. Preference will be given to applicants who have some prior leadership experience in local contexts (e.g., within their graduate program) but who have not had leadership experience at the national level within psychology (e.g., held formal leadership positions in APA or other national psychological associations or served in any capacity on the AAPA Executive Committee).
Application Process
Applications should include: (a) the required cover sheet (attached & also available at the AAPA website,, (b) the applicant’s CV (no more than 3 pages, please include a section detailing prior leadership experience and the names of 2 professional references), (c) a short statement (no more than 1500 words) describing the reasons for applying, the desired outcome for the applicant, and the reason for interest in the Fellows project, and (e) one letter of reference from an individual familiar with your professional work and past leadership experiences.
Please send electronic applications by Monday, August 26, 2013 to the Leadership Fellows Program Co-chairs Adobe Acrobat’s Portable Document Format (*.pdf) is preferred and Microsoft Word format (*.doc, *docx) is acceptable.
If you have any questions, please contact Grace Kim ( or Sam Wan (
AAPA Leadership Fellows Program
Cover Sheet
Year of Degree:
Area of Psychology in which you received your degree:
Biobehavioral Experimental
Cognitive Forensic
Clinical Industrial Organizational
Counseling Personality
Cultural Sensation and Perception
Developmental Social
Other (Please specify):
AAPA is committed to ensuring diversity among the Fellows. Please indicate here aspects of your background that you believe would contribute to that priority. You might include, for example, your specific ethnicity, your gender, your religious background, your sexual orientation, or any other experience or identity that you believe would contribute to our understanding of the perspectives you bring and how these might contribute to the success of the Fellows.