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Call for 2015 AAPA Poster Judges

By June 3, 2015August 5th, 2021Announcements, Convention

As the 2015 AAPA Convention in Toronto draws closer, stay informed about important announcements and opportunities that we will be sharing on the AAPA listserve (current, paid members are subscribed to the Google Group),, and social media (Facebook, Twitter). See message below about the call for AAPA poster judges. Don’t forget about Early Registration, which ends June 30th!

Dear AAPA members,

The 2015 AAPA Conference Poster Committee would like to invite practicing psychologists and faculty members to volunteer for an hour on August 5th to judge poster presentations. Given the number of confirmed poster presentations this year, we are in need in several judges with various backgrounds (in research and practice) and diverse areas of expertise.

If you are interested and willing to volunteer, we ask that you please contact the AAPA poster committee on or before June 23rd at You will be asked to be judging posters throughout the convention, especially during the poster session at 3:30-4:30pm.

Thank you very much for considering this service to our community!


P. Priscilla Lui, M.A. & Kimberly J. Langrehr, Ph.D.
Poster Committee Co-Chairs
AAPA Planning Committee 2014-2015