

The Social Justice Committee was established in 2024 to advocate for causes that further mental health equity and justice for members of the Asian American Psychological Association and the broader Asian American community by addressing and challenging systemic barriers to psychological well-being.


We envision a community that prioritizes the mental health of all racial/ethnic minoritized communities as well as other marginalized identities, dismantles systemic oppression, and ensures all individuals have equitable access to culturally sensitive mental health services. Through advocacy, education, and research, we aspire to psychological resilience, empowerment, and social change.

Joining the Social Justice Committee

We welcome any AAPA member of diverse identities and various backgrounds who is committed to social justice activism and advocacy including but not limited to: 

  • Undergraduate/graduate students and trainees 
  • Early, mid to late career professionals 
  • Experience in settings of academia, clinical practice, and community organizations
  • Knowledgeable of social justice and advocacy needs

Members of the SJC can expect the following:

  • Attend monthly meetings with the Social Justice Steering Committee
  • Provide additional 1-2 hours per month in service of developing Social Justice Committee projects
  • Collaborate with AAPA leadership, Divisions, and Committees to meet their needs 


Email: socialjusticecommittee@aapaonline.org