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Membership is $70 per year. Your membership will be automatically renewed each year unless you cancel by emailing membership@aapaonline.org. For alternative payment methods, please email membership@aapaonline.org We offer a $20 discount if you are a first-time professional member. Please email membership@aapaonline.org to receive a discount code that you can use during checkout.


Membership is $35 per year. Your membership will be automatically renewed each year unless you cancel by emailing membership@aapaonline.org. For alternative payment methods, please email >membership@aapaonline.org

Retiree / Emeritus

Membership is $20 per year. Your membership will be automatically renewed each year unless you cancel by emailing membership@aapaonline.org. For alternative payment methods, please email membership@aapaonline.org.
